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8 Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable This New Year

There are many ways businesses can become more sustainable and we have outlined eight to help you on your way in 2023.

8 Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable This New Year

The demand to ‘go green’ is increasing in both the consumer and commercial cleaning markets.

For any business hoping to build a future for itself and appeal to an increasingly environmentally conscious audience in 2023, sustainability is no longer an option but a means of survival. Studies show that 1 in 3 consumers¹ today prefer eco-friendly options when purchasing from a business. Sustainable practices need to be built into every facet of a business, from recycling the coffee grounds used in communal kitchens to ensuring your commercial cleaning provider uses green-cleaning practices to minimise your company’s environmental impact.

Sustainability is the need of the hour, with some of the drivers being:

  • Environmental protection: Sustainability helps protect the natural environment and preserve biodiversity by reducing pollution, conserving natural resources, and minimising the impact of human activities on the environment.
  • Climate change: Sustainability is crucial for addressing the challenges climate change poses, including rising sea levels, more frequent and severe natural disasters, and changes in weather patterns.
  • Economic development: Adopting sustainable practices can lead to economic benefits, such as reduced costs, increased efficiency, and new opportunities for innovation.
  • Social justice: Sustainability can help address social and economic inequality by promoting inclusive and equitable development that benefits all members of society.

8 Sustainable Practices to Consider in 2023

There are many ways businesses can become more sustainable. We have outlined eight for you to consider.

1. Reducing energy use

Businesses can reduce their energy consumption by using energy-efficient lighting, appliances, and HVAC systems and by implementing energy-saving measures such as turning off equipment when not in use. Other methods to reduce energy use include using natural light when possible, setting thermostats to energy-efficient temperatures, and investing in renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines to generate their electricity. It is equally important when sourcing service partners, like commercial cleaners, to ensure they use energy-efficient equipment and technologies. Finally, a business can use energy management software to track and monitor their energy usage and identify opportunities for energy savings.

2. Conserving water

Businesses can conserve water by using efficient irrigation systems, fixing leaks, and using drought-resistant plants in landscaping. Upgrading to water-efficient appliances and fixtures, such as low-flow toilets, faucets and showerheads and implementing water-saving practices such as turning off the tap when not in use are other water-saving measures a business could implement. Conducting water audits can also help businesses identify areas where the most water is consumed and determine conservation opportunities.

3. Reducing waste

Businesses can reduce waste by implementing recycling programs, using reusable or compostable packaging materials and finding ways to reuse or repurpose materials that would otherwise be discarded. Working with suppliers to reduce the amount of packaging used, switching to packaging made from recycled materials, and composting food waste are ways a business can reduce waste to become more sustainable in 2023.

4. Using environmentally-friendly products

Businesses can use environmentally-friendly products, such as those made from recycled materials or biodegradable, to reduce their environmental impact. Many traditional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that can harm the environment. By using eco-friendly products, businesses can reduce their impact on the environment. GJK Facility Services can help implement these changes by using green-cleaning practices and cleaning products.

Other ways to use environmentally-friendly products include using recyclable, biodegradable or compostable office supplies and packaging and investing in renewable energy.

5. Supporting sustainable supply chains

Businesses can work with their suppliers to ensure that their products and materials are sourced sustainably and produced environmentally. When selecting partners to work with, look for a track record of sustainability, communicate your sustainability goals to them and consider the full lifecycle of products, from sourcing and production to transportation, use and disposal.

6. Investing in renewable energy

Businesses can invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their carbon footprint.

7. Engaging employees

Businesses can engage their employees in sustainability efforts by involving them in decision-making and empowering them to take action to reduce the company’s environmental impact. Provide education and training, encourage participation in sustainability initiatives and recognise and reward sustainability efforts to further involve your entire team in your business’s sustainability efforts.

8. Reduce paperwork and paper billing

Using electronic document management systems and electronic signatures, going paperless for billing and invoicing, and using online communication tools and digital marketing materials are all ways for a business to cut down on its paper usage. The most eco-friendly paper you can buy is no paper at all!

GJK Facility Services can help you in your sustainability efforts. We offer commercial cleaning services that embrace green cleaning practices. We are achieving this by using conservation methods such as water-conserving cleaning machinery, equipment with low-energy outputs, cleaning products with recyclable or reusable packaging and partnering with waste management experts to help our customers limit waste, segregate and recycle appropriately and repurpose where possible.

1.  More Consumers Are Opening Their Wallets for Eco-Friendly Products I Survey Monkey