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Case study: Waste-Tech Solutions at Major Australian Transport Hub

Through a tailored waste plan enhanced by technologies, we have answered our customer's need for a responsive, sustainable, transparent and quality service.

GJK Case Study:
Waste-Tech for Better Outcomes at Major Australian Transport Hub

Southern Cross Waste Tech

We are delivering a modern waste service that responds to our transport customer’s business goals and needs.

The Customer, Situation and Need

Our customer is a major transport hub and station that services over 1.2 million people every week. This multi-modal transport precinct partners with several transport providers, delivering hundreds of services every day for the travelling public.

GJK commenced a contract to deliver waste management services to this customer in 2022. Our team collects waste from multiple general public points around the station, including its 42 retail stores.

Through its retail and food outlets and the +150,000 travelers that enter the facility every day, the Station produces high levels of waste. There are also stadiums nearby, causing greater amounts of waste during major events.

As a high-profile precinct for the city, the Station needs reliable and responsive service partners who are dedicated to its presentation, cleanliness and hygiene to enhance its brand reputation. It requires a clean, litter-free facility 24/7, even during high-traffic periods.

The Station also needs service partners dedicated to improving onsite sustainability outcomes, to help them achieve their Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) performance objectives. The customer commits to a decrease in Greenhouse Gas emissions by 26% by FY2025 and targets 15% of its waste onsite to be diverted from landfill. It is therefore important to have complete transparency on the waste quantities and streams produced at the facility to measure outcomes.

GJK Solution

To assist the Station achieve its desired outcome, GJK has implemented the following waste innovation solutions:

  1. Sustainable Waste Porterage Service
    GJK implemented two electric vehicles to manage waste porterage across the facility. This 100% eco-friendly solution means we are generating no greenhouse emissions in our service yet are delivering a quick and efficient service for waste pickups.
  2. Technology for A Litter Free Environment
    GJK implemented bin sensors within all 36 general and recycling bins across the general public area of the facility to facilitate a more responsive service. The sensors monitor the bin’s capacity. Our staff are alerted via their mobile devices when bins are nearly full, so they organise to empty them. The use of this sensor technology has enabled GJK to greatly improve the aesthetic of the facility, particularly during event times when bins could overflow rapidly. It also allows us to provide a service that responds to facility needs and provide insights to tailor our service delivery for better quality/value to our customers.
  3. Technology for Contract Transparency
    With our waste partners, GJK implemented Bintracker across all 36 bins. Bintracker is a metering and analytics platform for waste and recycling. With staff scanning a barcode when waste is collected from every point, GJK can capture waste data for the customer. We use Bintracker as a service verification system for contract KPIs and to deliver comprehensive cloud-based reporting on the facility’s waste-to-landfill and recycling.

We also provide consistent and reliable service with our dedicated and trained teams who know how to use our technologies and respond to alerts for a better service. They are additionally trained in waste streaming and segregation to facilitate better waste-to-landfill results.

GJK is delivering a modern waste service that responds to our transport customer’s business goals and needs. Through a tailored waste plan enhanced by technologies, we have answered their need for a responsive, sustainable, transparent and quality service.