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Keeping positive

We know the human race is fundamentally nurturing and compassionate, but it's times like this that we truly see it.

Let’s focus on the positives

Musings from our Director, Strategic Relationships, Kristiana Greenwood


“It is the community spirit that has emerged stronger than ever.”

It has been such a tough year. Many of us have had to pivot and adapt to working from home. This pandemic is forcing families and friends to spend more time either being together or touching base with each other. It’s not just family though. It is the community spirit that has emerged stronger than ever. We’ve all seen the heart-warming videos of residents in Italy and Spain singing from their balconies. The couch choir. The innovative new apps developed to connect through video to keep the morale up, and the generosity of caring and giving in our neighbourhoods. We know that the human race is fundamentally nurturing and compassionate, but it’s during times like this that we truly see it.

Let’s not also forget how, in such a short time, businesses have adapted to survive. I have been on many Zoom board meetings brainstorming strategies and ideas to survive and possibly thrive during this time. Some of the ideas borne out of this essential need to get creative have

opened up the doors to future ways of working that can be continuously developed long after this pandemic is over: cost savings that will benefit businesses well into the future, new ways of delivering services and increasing productivity, new technologies that have transpired, and a new sense of unity that crosses international borders – even amongst many political parties.

We are in this together. Let us focus on the positives, and here is one! My walk-in Williamstown this morning reminded me of just how beautiful Melbourne and our entire country is! We are lucky and there is light at the end of this tunnel! I can’t wait to get back out into the world and see you all face to face!